Welcome to the Certificate in Lay Mobilization! The Certificate in Lay Mobilization, open to both pastors and church members, mobilizes you and your church as disciple-making disciples in ministry and mission in order to change the world around you. It consists of a four-part series for pastors and lay leaders in a retreat-like setting with high-impact worship, biblical and theological reflection, and practical strategy sessions. When the retreat/consultation portion ends, the congregational work begins. You will receive a congregation transformation coach to help wade into the spiritual depths Christ has for you and your church both personally and corporately. In monthly coaching sessions, you will turn obstacles into the opportunities to which God may be calling you.
Experiential learning is central to every certificate offered through Asbury Theological Seminary. In this certificate, you will learn about topics such as:
For more information about future cohorts of the Certificate in Lay Mobilization, please contact us at cfmt@asburyseminary.edu.