Welcome to the Certificate in Free Methodist Studies! The Certificate in Free Methodist Studies is designed as an opportunity to build a foundation for local church leadership. It is our hope that this Institute will attract those actively pursuing the path of Free Methodist Ordination as well as Laity who are seeking to be further equipped in their own life and ministry through a deeper understanding of our Free Methodist heritage. Participants can apply what is learned in the certificate in their lives in order to become a more productive/fruitful member of the local church.
It is our intention to integrate Orthodoxy with Orthopraxy in everything that a learner is involved with during the course of the certificate. It is the goal of the Certificate in Free Methodist Studies that every learner will walk away with a firm grasp on how what has been learned impacts them spiritually, relationally, emotionally, and vocationally. This will be accomplished through engaging discussions with a cohort of fellow learners and individual reflections that accompany each module.
Experiential learning is central to every certificate offered through Asbury Theological Seminary. Each module is taught by academically and experientially qualified faculty and professionals who equip you to live into your calling with Christ-like leadership in this ever-changing world. In this certificate, you will learn about:
The Certificate in Free Methodist Studies is a 10-month institute offered in an online format. Upon successful completion, you will be granted a non-degree Certificate from Asbury Theological Seminary.
For more information about future cohorts of the Certificate in Free Methodist Studies, please contact us at cfmt@asburyseminary.edu.